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THE HWY 70 CONNECTOR: November Edition

Dear Neighbor,

This past weekend, we celebrated and honored all of the courageous men and women who have put on the uniform to serve our country and defend our freedom. Thank you for your service, and Happy Veterans Day!

Thank you for taking the time to read the most recent edition of our legislative newsletter. This recap includes highlights from press conferences, updates on sponsored bills, important votes that we’ve taken, and a special announcement about our campaign.

I greatly appreciate your continued support and ask that you keep the General Assembly in your prayers as we fulfill our duties to represent you. Please do not hesitate to reach out if my office can be of assistance.

At your service,

Chris Humphrey

State Representative

Special Announcement

Following much prayer and conversations with my family, I’m thrilled to announce that we are running for re-election to continue serving the people of District 12 in the NC House. Representing our neighbors and serving as their voice in Raleigh has been a tremendous privilege, and I look forward to earning their continued confidence in my re-election campaign.

We are immensely encouraged by everyone in our community who has reached out in support of our re-election campaign. I’m excited to continue improving our community through economic development opportunities, infrastructure enhancements, quality education, and support for flood mitigation projects. I’m going into this campaign with a proven track record of conservative leadership in service to our district, and I remain committed to defending our values in the legislature.

Humphrey Awarded 'Jobs Champion' Designation by NC Chamber

Eastern North Carolina continues to thrive because of our strong business climate. I’m honored to receive this recognition from the North Carolina Chamber, and I look forward to our continued collaboration to create more jobs and strengthen our local economy.

NC Symphony Holds Concert for Students from Lenoir, Greene County Schools

I was honored to join NC Department of Natural & Cultural Resources Secretary Reid Wilson, Lenoir County Public Schools administrators and 850 4th & 5th graders from Lenoir County and Greene Counties for a visit from the North Carolina Symphony at Kinston High School Performing Arts Center. It was a wonderful concert that has no doubt educated and inspired the next generation on the elements of music.

FlyExclusive Pilot Training Center in ENC

I am pleased to see FlyExclusive, LLC continuing to grow their operation in Eastern North Carolina by partnering with the state and the North Carolina Global TransPark to establish a new pilot training center and headquarters.

This strategic investment not only fosters economic growth but also strengthens our state's position in the aviation industry, creating jobs and opportunities right here in our community. It's a testament to the power of public-private partnerships driving innovation in North Carolina.

OP-ED: Investing in Eastern NC's Future

As a Republican legislator representing the people of Eastern North Carolina in the General Assembly, I am proud to stand behind the recently passed state budget. This is more than a financial plan — it’s a blueprint for a brighter future for our region.

Lenoir County Students Learn About Law & Enforcement from Local Judges, Sheriff

Several dozen students from Lenoir County Early College High School recently had the opportunity to engage with Sheriff Jackie Rogers and explore the intricacies of the legal system, conversing with judges and other courthouse personnel.

This experience allowed the students to be immersed in the workings of the justice system, inmate rehabilitation, and the significance of comprehending the legal consequences of one's actions.

Thanks to the Lenoir County Sheriff's Office for orchestrating this educational opportunity, and to Sara Dowd from the North Carolina Bar Foundation for coordinating Judge Christopher Rogerson's visit.

Legislative Update

The General Assembly has adjourned until November 29, 2023. However, our office remains open to serve as a resource for you. We stand ready to help you navigate state government, answer your questions, and listen to your feedback or suggestions.

Grant Funding for Outdoor Learning

Go Outside ‘GO’ Grants provide North Carolina students with opportunities for outdoor experiences -- to learn by doing.

North Carolina educators are encourage to apply for grant funding for outdoor field trips, visiting programs, and educational structures.

For more information and to apply, click here.


Pink Hill Elementary School

Purpose: 5th grade field trip to Museum of Life and Science

Amount: $1,500

Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School

Purpose: 6th grade field trip to NC Aquarium and Fort Fisher

Amount: $3,000

Moss Hill Elementary School

Purpose: Outdoor classroom

Amount: $15,000

Trenton Elementary School

Purpose: Outdoor classroom

Amount: $14,380

Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School

Purpose: 7th-grade field trip to the North Carolina Zoo

Amount: $1,000

Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School

Purpose: Field trip to It’s a Zoo Life

Amount: $402.10

Banks Elementary School

Purpose: Educational nature trail

Amount: $19,400

La Grange Elementary School

Purpose: 5th grade field trip to the Outer Banks

Amount: $3,000

E.B. Frink Middle School

Purpose: 8th grade field trip to the Outer Banks

Amount: $3,000

E.B. Frink Middle School

Purpose: 6th grade field trip to Briley Farms

Amount: $2,011.25

Greene Early College High School

Purpose: Field trip to Washington D.C.

Amount: $5,000

Moss Hill Elementary School

Purpose: 5th grade field trip to Cape Lookout National Seashore

Amount: $2,000

Southeast Elementary School

Purpose: Field trip to Sylvan Heights Bird Park

Amount: $555

Greene County Intermediate School, Greene Co.

Purpose: 4th grade field trip to Contentnea Creek

Amount: $2,910

Lenoir County Learning Academy

Purpose: Field trip to Fort Macon State Park

Amount: $428.25.

E.B. Frink Middle School

Purpose: Storage barn

Amount: $4,290

Northwest Elementary School

Purpose: Aquaponic system

Amount: $3,000.08

Northwest Elementary School

Purpose: Trip to Camp Don Lee

Amount: $3,000

Contentnea-Savannah K-8 School

Purpose: To construct a greenhouse

Amount: $15,000


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